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The training and resource webpages offered on this site cover sensitive subjects and are intended to provide opportunities for further educational engagement and learning resources. The content provided does not reflect the ownership, opinions, or endorsements of the University of Arizona. These resources are made available to enhance learning and provide diverse perspectives on important topics.


What is Antisemitism? 

The intergovernmental organization IHRA, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, has the primary responsibility to promote, strengthen, and advance Holocaust-related education, remembrance and research.  To follow the efforts in organizing  cross-cultural work globally, a working definition of Antisemitism was adopted. This non-legally binding definition of antisemitism is:


“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” -IHRA


Anti-Defamation League: Antisemitism Uncovered Video: Myth of Power


The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), founded in 1913, is a globally recognized organization working to stop the defamation of Jewish people worldwide. Through the values of Courage, Inclusion, Respect, Collaboration, Integrity and Credibility, they confront antisemitism while building a strong legacy programing, empowerment, and support. 


The Antisemitism Uncovered video series was created to explain and combat the most prevalent antisemitic myths. The videos are a companion to Antisemitism Uncovered: A Guide to Old Myths in a New Era, ADL’s comprehensive resource with historical context, fact-based descriptions of the myths, contemporary examples and calls-to-action for addressing this hate. Each video explores one of the tropes: power, disloyalty, greed, deicide, blood libel, Holocaust denial and anti-Zionism. To explore the Guide, please visit

 copyright © 2022 ADL


Antisemitism Training Film

This video is part of the Antisemitism Education Initiative on the University of California Berkeley campus. With permission from the Center for Jewish Studies, The Office of Diversity and Inclusion invites you to expand your understanding on the history of antisemitism from its origins until today, questions about different and changing forms of antisemitism, persistent anti-Jewish stereotypes, the complex racial position of Jews in contemporary America, and the precise line between criticism of Israel and antisemitism. 

While the video stands alone as a valuable tool for antisemitism education, we also provide discussion questions so that it may be a starting point for deeper conversation.

Written by: Adam Naftalin-Kelman, Ethan Katz, Steven Davidoff Solomon
Produced by: Sarah Lefton
Animated by:  Jenny Anderson

Berkeley logo with Center For Jewish Studies written in gold/yellow lettering

Funding generously provided by the Academic Engagement Network (AEN) through its Improving the Campus Climate Initiative.



Antisemitism in Our Midst: Past and Present – Video Discussion Questions

Watch the video Antisemitism in Our Midst: Past and Present and discuss some or all of the following questions. Depending on the size of the group and time constraints, the questions can be discussed as a whole group or in small groups of 3-5 participants. Optional: Have each small group select a notetaker and reporter to share key points raised during the discussions. Instructors may also assign one of more questions as essay topics.

Part 1 – Jews and Judaism (Beginning until 1:39)

  1. The video describes antisemitism as a perception, belief or behavior towards Jews simply because they are Jewish. How does this impact     your understanding of antisemitism?
  2. Many people consider Judaism to be only a religion and Jews to be adherents to a religious tradition. In what ways is Jewish identity more complex than this?
  3. The video speaks about some Jews identifying as part of a culture. Do you have any examples that you’ve experienced from your Jewish peers that illustrates this?
  4. How might Jews identifying themselves as a culture and not simply a religion influence the development of anti-Jewish hostility?

Part II – Short History of Antisemitism (1:40-4:12)

  1. The video describes how antisemitism transformed from a religiously based hatred into a form of racial discrimination. What are the implications of this change?
  2. What are the similarities and differences between religious and racial forms of anti-Jewish hostility? How do the connections between these two forms affect antisemitism today?
  3. Do you see connections between the way racial antisemitism emerged in the nineteenth century and other forms of racism or oppression that emerged at that time?

Part III – Antisemitism Today (4:13-6:33)

  1. What were some of the core antisemitic stereotypes and themes mentioned in the video? Which of these were new to you? Have you seen any of these play out in your life, school or community?
  2. Do you see similarities or differences between these and negative stereotypes about other oppressed or minority groups?
  3. How has antisemitism played out in American history? Does this surprise you – why or why not?
  4. The video shows an American conservative, Catholic periodical from the 1930s and 1940s titled “Social Justice” that has an article title “The Jewish Question.” How might we explain this?
  5. Think of examples that you may have seen or heard that reflect how Jews occupy, in the film’s words, “a complicated position in America’s racially charged political landscape?” What are some of the challenges when considering Jews to be “simply white” or not “white?”
  6. How do you think the conversation on race today has complicated our current understanding of antisemitism?

Part IV – Fighting Antisemitism (6:34-end)

  1. What is the basic definition of Zionism? How is an understanding of Zionism important for understanding many forms of Jewish identity?
  2. Why is it important to understand what Zionism is and is not in order to identify and combat antisemitism?
  3. How is criticism of Israel different than antisemitism? How can one be critical of Israel without being antisemitic?
  4. What are some examples of when criticism of Israel can become antisemitism?
  5. Why is context so important to determining if something is or is not antisemitic, particularly when the subject matter relates to Israel?