IGD Postcard Front

Faculty & staff, please join us for a 3-day Intergroup Dialogue facilitator training workshop.

IGD Postcard Back

Faculty & staff, please join us for a 3-day Intergroup Dialogue facilitator training workshop.


All Day, Jan. 4 – 6, 2022

This three day Intergroup Dialogue (IGD) facilitator training is designed for faculty and staff to learn about the theory and research that support IGD as an effective way to dialogue across difference, and then engage in IGD activities and practices to build their capacity for facilitating intergroup dialogues in their department or unit. All participants will be required to practice leading IGD activities on Day 3. The workshop will close with participants creating IGD plans for how they can incorporate IGD into their work. Facilitators will provide free, follow-up 1:1 coaching sessions to support successful implementation of IGD into participants' work departments and units. 

You can apply to participate here


Jane Pizzolato
Brenda Anderson Wadley